Friday, October 29, 2010

The Man Who Loved Clowns

How have your feelings of Aunt Queenie changed throughout the book?


  1. Umm...I think that shes not so much of a bad person and shes helpful.

  2. I think she's ok because she helps other people with disabilities and she keeps everything tidy because she can't have kids.

  3. i think she is getting a little better

  4. At first I thought she was mean and selfish, but now that I know the workshop isn't so bad after all I think she isn't to mean.

  5. well I didn't like aunt queenie at first because she wanted punky to go to the shop.but once they went I knew it was a good idea.

  6. At the beginning I thought she was bossy and blegh but now I think she is A.O.K.

  7. I think now you can understand her some but I also think she could change a some.

  8. Aunt Queenie did the right thing for Punky. She sent him to the workshop and Punky liked the workshop.

  9. A lot because first I thought she was all meen and evering but when I heard that the work shop was good for Punkey. Then I started to like her!

  10. My feelings about Aunt Queenie are that she is trying to be nicer by being the hugger.

  11. My feelings have changed about her because she is being nicer to her

  12. I thought Aunt Quinee was really mean, but now I think she is really nice and helpful.

  13. She is getting a lot better and I think she cares more about..... well everything.

  14. First, I felt like she was very mean. Then, I lightened up and started to like her. Now, I think that she is really nice. I like her because with out her I don't think the book would be any good.

  15. I think Aunt Queenie is alot nicer now that she has has Delrita and Punky.

  16. I feel different about Queenie because in the beggining she was really full of herself, but now they say she's a hugger!

  17. I think she was selfish and she thought she was the greatest thing that ever walked on earth but now that she is working at the workshop she is getting better.

  18. I think she changed because the workshop ponky goes to is not a bad place cause ponky likes it to.
