Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Compare and Contrast

We have now finished two books as a class. Your assignment is to write two paragraphs.
1. Compare and contrast the BFG to The Man Who Loved Clowns. Don't forget to use those key words that are in compare and contrast paragraphs.
2. Write a paragraph about which book you liked best and why. Also, give it a 1-10 rating. 1 being the worst book you have ever read and 10 being the best book ever.


  1. How the two are alike is they have a girl as main character,people die in each one.
    How they are different is that there is a giant in one and a pedrson with Down's Syndrome. The Man Who Loved clowns is a 10 and the BFG is a 8.

  2. They both have girls in them. The girls are misunderstood. They have a friend in their life. They both have ups and downs. One has an uncle and one has a giant. Punky dies at the end and the BFG has a happy ending. The Man Who Loves Clowns has Silver Dollar City and in the BFG they go to Giant Country.
    I liked the Man Who Loved Clowns better than the BFG because it has a man with Down's Syndrome. Down Syndrome is a bad disease. I liked that the story was real life. I rate it a 10.

  3. Well the MWLC was a good book 1 to 10 rating in my opinion would be 7 in a half. They both have a girl in them.The bfg had more action. The MWLC was more touching. The BFG would be 7. But I liked the MWLC better.

  4. I like the man who loves couns beter because it was more intoresting.They are both the same because they both had us wondering what will happen next.And they are different because one has a gaint in it and one dident.

  5. How the two alike in my opinion they both are awesome books and they both have death in them. In the man who loves clowns her mom and dad die in a car accident and punky dies. In the BFG people get eatin. In the man who loved clowns a character has down's syndrome and the other one is a giant. The authors are diffirent too! One is a boy (Roald dahl) and the other is a girl (June Rae wood).

  6. In both stories people die. In the The Man Who Loved Clowns Delrita's parents die and her uncle dies of Down syndrome. In the BFG the giants eat people. In the BFG, the BFG and Sofi have to stop the giants from eating people. In the Man Who Loves Clowns Punky and Delrita have to live with their aunt because her parents die in a car accident.

  7. In The BFG there are gaints and in the Man Who Loved clowns a person dies and has down sendrome.In both of them they have a person or people.
    I liked The Man Who Loved Clowns because it described how the carecters felt better. The BFG 8rating. The Man Who Loved Clowns 9rating

  8. The BFG isn't about a person with Down's Syndrome. It is about a little girl and a giant called the BFG.

    The Man Who Loved Clowns isn't about a giant called the BFG it is about a man named Punky with Down's Sindrome.

    Both of the books are the same because they both have characters. They both have at least one girl in the whole books

    I think that The Man Who loved clowns is better than the BFG because in the Man Who Loved Clowns it makes you wonder what is going to happen,it is a happy book, and it is sad.

  9. I kind of like The B.F.G. because it makes me wonder more than our other book {no effence to the man who loves clowns} I also like it beacause there’s more Action. But the man who loves clowns itt’s sad because Punky Dies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although they both Have girls in them. They have parents Both die. I give the B.F.G. rating of 10
    Man who loves clowns rate of 99-10th’s
    Xavier fritz By Roald Dohl [B.F.G.] By June Rae Wood [Man who loves clowns]

  10. The Man who Loved Clowns is about a man who has Down’s syndrome and a girl who tries to stay invisible because she doesn’t like her Uncle, Punky (the guy who has Down’s syndrome) getting teased, unlike The BFG which is about a girl who gets captured by a big, friendly giant. They are the same because both books left you hanging. The Man who Loved Clowns is about a man who has Down’s syndrome and
    I liked The Man who Loved Clowns better than The BFG because The Man who Loved Clowns got to me and made more sense. It also made a point of don’t judge someone until you get to know them and don’t hold back just be yourself. On a scale from 1-10 I think The Man who Loved Clowns is about a 8 and The BFG a 5.

  11. The BFG has giants in it. THE BFG has trogglehumpers and phizzwizard snozzcumber. In The Man Who Loved Clowns there is a person with down"s syndrome. In both of the books there are girls as the main character.
    I liked both of them but, I would half to say The Man Who Loved Clowns. I like The Man Who Loved because it is a little more interesting and I would give it a 10.

  12. The BFG is about Sophie having a giant for a friend but the giant was friendly the BFG and Sophie have to get rid of the mean giants before the mean giants eat every one in the world.
    The Man Who Loved Clowns is sad because Punky dies. But it's funny because Punky said funny words, Delrita really loves Punky she has lost every ons she loves mom,dad, and now Punky..

  13. I like the Man Who Loved Cowns a little better than the BFG because it's what could really happen to us kids. Altough the BFG was a good book too because it targeted are imaginations a little more. In ways the BFG was just like the Man Who Loved Clowns as there are both girls in them ND People that love each other in them. On a rating 1-10 I would say the Man Who Loves Clowns is a 9 and the BFG would be a 7.

  14. The Man who loved clowns is diffrent from the BFG because one could happen.The other could not happen.There the same because Sophie's and Delreta's parents died.
    I like the man who loved clowns better because it keeps you on the edge of your seat.Even though its sad it is also a very good book.On a scale of 1-10 I think it is a seven.

  15. The books were different because the BFG was a giant and ponkey was not. Ponkey was an uncle to Delrita and the BFG was just a giant.

    I like the BFG and THE MAN WHO LOVED CLOWNS the same even though THE MAN WHO LOVED CLOWNS had a sad ending.I liked the stories because I thought they had great details in both of them.

  16. WOW, both of the books were fantastic,but I have to say the man who loved clowns is better.The BFG is really good to, but what made them both fantastic was that Mrs.Boucher read it to us.I would give the man who loved clowns a 9 rating and the BFG an 8 rating.

  17. The man who loved clowns has a little bit of sadness in the story and The BFG is funny in the book.
    I like both books because i really don't have a favorite book. Bothe of them are a 10 because they are good books.

  18. COMPARE: The BFG and The Man Who Loved Clowns are alike because Punky and the BFG both talk kind of funny.

    CONTRAST: The BFG are different because the Man Who Loved Clowns had real people and was some thing that could happen and the BFG was something that couldn't happen A.K.A [FAIRY TALE]

  19. I like the Man Who Loved Clowns the best because I love working with people like Punky. Compareing and contrasting the to books I would have to say the differnce between them is that in the man who loved clowns that could really happen to some one and in the BFG giants aren't real so that could NOT happen. On a rating from 1-10 I wouldhave to give the man who loved clowns a 10 and the BFG a 8.

  20. I kind of like the bfg better than The man who loved clowns because in the bfg he keeps sophie safe from the other giants so they don't eat sophie and the bfg makes a wish for the queen and they eat dinner in the queens dining room.In the man who loves clowns dalretaes parents die and punkies sister and sim dies whitch is dalretaes mom and dad.At the end dalretae hugs punky because he died.So dalretae learned something.the more people you meet they will whant to be your freind.

  21. The BFG has giants in it that eat people exept for one giant which is the BFG. Then the Man Who Loved Clowns is about a boy named Punky and he has down syndrom. Delrita is embaressed of Punky because he acts like a kid, so she is afraid that people will make fun of him.The Man Who Loved Clowns could happend But the BFG couldn't. I like The Man Who Loved Clowns A little better because it hs more feelings in it and it teaches you a lesson. On a rating 1-10 The BFG would be a 6 and The Man Who Loved Clowns would be an 9.

  22. I like The Man Who Loved Clowns the best. My favorite part of The Man Who Loved Clowns is when it's Punky's birthday ,and Aunt Qeenie and Uncle Bert come then Punky calls Uncle Bert an old goat.
    The BFG is more of a funny book with giants and all that kind of made up stough and The Man Who Loved Clowns alot more serious book with things that could realy happen.
    For The Man Who Loved Clowns 1 to 10 I would have to say 10.And for The BFG 1 to 10 I would have to say 8.

  23. I think the BFG and The Man Who Loved Clowns are alike because they both have people who can't talk right. Punky and the BFG are very much alike because they both have something different than most of the characters. The books are different from each other because in the BFG nobody died,but in The Man Who Loved Clowns one of the main characters died.
    I liked both of the books, but I have to say I liked The Man Who Loved Clowns better because it kept me with it, I didn't get lost.In The Man Who Loved Clowns I had a better vision because they had alot of detail. So I rate The Man Who Loved Clowns 9.I liked the BFG, but once in awhile I would get lost.So I rate the BFG 5.
